

The goal of FounderKids is to inspire and mentor foster kids through entrepreneurship.


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Turning prior pain into future gain.

Every year, thousands of foster kids age out of the system and are expected to make it on their own. They lack the safety net that family often provides, as well as role models and mentors who can help them make smart decisions. The results are predictably dismal—unemployment, homelessness, substance abuse, and more.

But there’s an opportunity to turn prior pain into future gain. The challenges foster kids experience can build resilience, creativity, and entrepreneurial thinking to found something new in their lives. With the right training and mentoring, transition age foster youth can build practical and intangible skills to help them launch a successful career.


Your support can help defray mentoring costs, including training, conferences, and tools.


Learn more about our mentorship program for transition age foster youth. More than finding a job, find your place.


We want to go farther together by partnering with organizations looking to help foster kids.

Our Inspiration

Jon Cline started FounderKids because he realized a lot of former foster kids just like him could benefit from personal and career skills.  Read Jon’s story here.

Become a FounderKid or Donate Today!

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